List of Services
Price: $135
For a description of our tuning service, click here.
Price: $135
For a description of our appraisal service, click here.
Price: Estimates start at approximately $250 and vary by model and size.
For a description of our cleaning service, click here.
Price: Prices vary widely, depending upon the nature of the repair. In most cases, an inspection of the piano is required before a price can be quoted.
For a description of our repair services, click here.
Price: Prices vary widely, depending upon the nature of the project. An inspection of the piano is required before a price can be quoted.
For a description of our restoring/rebuilding services, click here.
Price: $135
For a description of our tuning service, click here.
Price: $135
For a description of our appraisal service, click here.
Price: Estimates start at approximately $250 and vary by model and size.
For a description of our cleaning service, click here.
Price: Prices vary widely, depending upon the nature of the repair. In most cases, an inspection of the piano is required before a price can be quoted.
For a description of our repair services, click here.
Price: Prices vary widely, depending upon the nature of the project. An inspection of the piano is required before a price can be quoted.
For a description of our restoring/rebuilding services, click here.